Posts tagged TIGI
TIGI - Fuga Centro Salon Grand Opening

Last April, my team and I had the opportunity to fly out to Chicago to Make Life a Little Sweeter® for the newest TIGI® concept salons grand opening!

Located on Michigan Ave. and right across the street from Chicago’s most iconic bean sculpture, stood TIGI’s newest and most prominent concept salon, called Fuga Centro.

As we arrived, we were greeted by the fabulous as ever TIGI® team and directed to our table. It was enlightening to see how TIGI® was incorporated into every single detail of the salon. From the shampoo bottles, to the complimentary photo booth, everything was perfectly branded.

As guests began to make their way into the salon, they were welcomed with a Make Your Life Sweeter® Artisanal Truffle Bar with custom TIGI® takeaway truffle boxes. Everyone had the opportunity to choose up to four of their favorite truffles to take home in a chic TIGI® branded chocolate box.

As the night progressed, guests were treated with light bites and conversations. By the end of the party, our Make Your Life Sweeter® table had been the talk of the show, everyone couldn’t get enough! It was such a magical evening and I cannot wait to see the amazing TIGI® team again for their next event!

Make Your Life Sweeter,

- Yasmeen

Want this exact experience at your party?

TIGI - Costa Mesa

This past September, The Make Your Life Sweeter® team was asked by the prestigious hair company; TIGI®, to create a personalized experience for the launch of their new shampoo, Copyright®.

Throughout the course of several months, my team and I have been blessed to follow TIGI® across the country creating personalized experiences for each of their guests. Every two weeks, we meet with the fabulous TIGI® team in a new city to create a Sugaire® Organic Cotton Candy Infusion Bar with customized flavor options, as well as customized straws to fit the occasion.

TIGI Copyright® is the newest addition to the TIGI® family, with the idea of bringing a customized experience to each and every salon in the country. Each conference that is held is different and brilliant in it’s own way. From the second you walk through the front door, everything is customized to your own personal wants and needs. You get to choose your hair product of choice, your drink of choice and even your cotton candy of choice. Everything is tailored specifically for you.

TIGI® Founder and International Artistic Director, Anthony Mascolo was in attendance, his speech was amazing and I was even lucky enough to witness him actually style someone’s hair, it was a remarkable experience, to say the least. Did I forget to mention that this amazing event was located in the beautiful Costa Mesa? My team and I were lucky enough to take a few hours and head to the beach where we got to enjoy some rays.

With this TIGI® event in the past, we can now look forward to many more to come with this fabulous and remarkable team of people over at TIGI®.

Make Your Life Sweeter

- Yasmeen

Want this exact experience at your party?

TIGI - Copyright Launch

"When we couldn't find the products we wanted, we made them ourselves."

- Anthony Mascolo

TIGI® Founder and International Artistic Director

"By Hairdressers, for Hairdressers" Is the motto for the amazing company that provides top of the line hair care products to salons around the world. 

TIGI's newest product, "TIGI® COPYRIGHT" is hitting the shelfs this month to hundreds of salons. With this newest product, every client will have the chance to customize their own personal hair products that fit perfectly to their individual selves. 

Because of the personalized customization of TIGI® COPYRIGHTthe Make Your Life Sweeter® team was asked to attend the launch party in New York to create a sweet treat for their guests. 

The event was located at TIGI's hair academy in SOHO, making it the perfect spot for a fashionably chic party. The Make Your Life Sweeter® team and I set up a Sugaire® Organic Cotton Candy Infusion Bar with Sparkling water and the guests choice of either Mango, Passion Fruit or Rose Gold Cotton Candy. Following in the trend of the newest TIGI® personalized product, everything about our services was customized. We provided custom hashtag flags for our straws, put the TIGI® COPYRIGHT logo onto our pints and we even supplied take home infusion kits for every person to take at the end of the night with a customized sweat treat.

The launch party was stunning. Everything followed a white color scheme, making the room chic and stylish. Waiters walked around with mini tacos placed in cut limes and veggie spring rolls placed atheistically onto the tray. 

To celebrate their newest product, TIGI® put on a runway hair show for their guests, and let me just say, it was amazing. In attendance was no other than the TIGI® Founder himself, Anthony Mascolo. I had the remarkable opportunity to meet Anthony and could not have met a nicer person who cares so deeply for his company and his employees. 

Everyone at the TIGI® COPYRIGHT launch party were so welcoming to my team and I and could not have asked for a better night in NYC.                    

Make Your Life Sweeter,

- Yasmeen

Want this exact experience at your party?