TIGI - Costa Mesa

This past September, The Make Your Life Sweeter® team was asked by the prestigious hair company; TIGI®, to create a personalized experience for the launch of their new shampoo, Copyright®.

Throughout the course of several months, my team and I have been blessed to follow TIGI® across the country creating personalized experiences for each of their guests. Every two weeks, we meet with the fabulous TIGI® team in a new city to create a Sugaire® Organic Cotton Candy Infusion Bar with customized flavor options, as well as customized straws to fit the occasion.

TIGI Copyright® is the newest addition to the TIGI® family, with the idea of bringing a customized experience to each and every salon in the country. Each conference that is held is different and brilliant in it’s own way. From the second you walk through the front door, everything is customized to your own personal wants and needs. You get to choose your hair product of choice, your drink of choice and even your cotton candy of choice. Everything is tailored specifically for you.

TIGI® Founder and International Artistic Director, Anthony Mascolo was in attendance, his speech was amazing and I was even lucky enough to witness him actually style someone’s hair, it was a remarkable experience, to say the least. Did I forget to mention that this amazing event was located in the beautiful Costa Mesa? My team and I were lucky enough to take a few hours and head to the beach where we got to enjoy some rays.

With this TIGI® event in the past, we can now look forward to many more to come with this fabulous and remarkable team of people over at TIGI®.

Make Your Life Sweeter

- Yasmeen

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