ESÉ AZÉNABOR - Fashion Show

Esé Azénabor is a prominent fashion designer residing in Dallas, Texas. She works with the top fashionistas throughout the country and has designed dresses for brides all around the world. 

Every year, Esé throws an exquisite runway show featuring the most high profile and prominent women that Dallas has to offer. This event showcases the most beautiful dresses made entirely by Esé and her team of exceptionally talented people. Each and every dress is designed to fit the uniqueness of every individual walking in the show. Esé and her team created masterpieces that fit to every women’s dream. 

I was asked by Esé to walk in this years annual show, and I still cannot believe that I had this opportunity, it was so amazing to be able to share the runway with so many influential and powerful women. 

As I arrived to the beautiful Hall of State in Dallas, I was blown away by the sophisticated look of everything, they had Bentleys (provided by Park Place) lined up outside, as well as a red carpet to welcome you in. It was such a beautiful sight and was so grateful to have seen it in the daylight. As I made my way inside, I was escorted to hair and makeup where I spent the next 6 hours with all of the fabulous women walking in the show. We chatted as we got our hair done and laughed as our makeup was being set. It was such a memorable time to spend with friends!

As the show started, we were all placed into our breathtaking dresses and escorted into the great hall. As we exited the changing rooms, everyone was welcomed with a Sugaire® Organic Cotton Candy infusion bar, where we toasted to our amazing designer, Esé. We could all hear as people started to flood in, making their way towards their seats. Everyone back stage was so nervous, including myself! But it was calming when I remembered that I was surrounded by friends.

The Runway show was magical. As I walked on stage and made my way through the crowd, I was taken aback by how many friends and family I had that came to watch the show. I am so thankful to be reminded everyday of how blessed I am to have so many people that care about me in my life! The show was amazing, I am so inspired by Esé and the breathtakingly beautiful creations that she turns into reality for women all around the world every day.

Make Your Life Sweeter,

- Yasmeen

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