Posts tagged NYC
THE MET - Holiday Party

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is a highly prestigious and cultural museum with artifacts curated from around the world. The Met holds the highest achievement of being the most visited museum in the United States and is visited by over 7 million people per year.

The Met has been the location for many top selling box office movies. “ Maid in Manhattan”, “Hitch”, and the newly released “Oceans 8” , have all spent a great number of hours at this museum. And who could forget, the many months we watched B and S take their rightful place on the top of The MET steps (Gossip Girl reference). Your could say that The Met holds a special place in my heart, so when I was asked by the Special Events team at The Met to help induct Make Your Life Sweeter® products into their holiday parties, I was ecstatic!

We were asked by the amazing team at The Met to make life a little sweeter for their employees and members holiday party. I arrived with my team in New York on Monday to begin setup for the festivities. As we arrived at The Met, I was welcomed by The Met team and was directed to the Great Hall for setup. The Make Your Life Sweeter® team set up a five piece HotPoppin® Gourmet Customized Popcorn Bar for over 1,200 Met Employees.

The Met employee holiday party was 80’s themed, so of course my team had to accessorize their scrunchies! The night was amazing, everyone in attendance was dancing to the top hits from the 80’s and eating abundant amounts of cheeto puffs. Everyone had such a great night, as the evening started to end, my team and I packed up and set out for pizza and ice cream.

Every year, The Met hosts an annual, “Members Party”. A Member Party is a celebration to everyone that contributes to the construction or maintenance to the museum in some way, in the form of an evening soiree. As my team and I arrived to the Great Hall for the setup of this party, we were welcomed with an entirely different atmosphere than that of The Mets employee holiday party we had just attended merely two days ago. The Great Hall was transformed into an elegant and timeless masterpiece ( though, it didn’t need much help, being that it’s already breathtaking). As my team served, I had the opportunity to see all of the great happenings of the evening.

There were guided tours through the museum, (which I loved!) I felt like I was in the movie, “Night at the Museum”! They had holiday cookie decorating with the head pastry chef of The Met, and they even had paper machete classes in the room of “Heavenly Bodies” (For all my Met Gala fans out there)! I was astounded by all of the remarkable things going on throughout the museum, I didn’t know where to start!

I was honored to have been able to experience these amazing opportunities. I am so thankful for such an amazing team that helps make this entire thing possible. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for the Make Your Life Sweeter® team!

Make Your Life Sweeter,

- Yasmeen

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