DFW STARTUP - Women of Innovation Summit

This year, I was honored to participate in a women led panel discussing the passion and courage it takes to turn your dreams into a reality. Thanks to DFW Startup Week, I was hand picked to speak on my experience and insight into the world of entrepreneurship.

When I was approached to speak at the summit, I was so excited! When asked who I would recommend to moderate, I chose to opt out of any moderations. I told the team at DFW Startup Week that it would be more beneficial for everyone if we instead moderated the panel ourselves, therefore making the panel more down to earth and audience centered. The DFW Startup team LOVED the idea!

The day of the event, I was welcomed with the warmest wishes from my close friends and family. As I arrived at Ross Tower, I was blown away by the amazing work that had gone into this event, everything was so perfect! I made my way to the 32nd floor to begin prepping for the panel.

When asked who I would want to join me on the Women’s of Innovation panel, it was an easy answer. I was accompanied by the fierce Bina Patel, who works for the international law firm of Greenberg Traurig and Brittany Rettig, who is the owner and founder of a revolutionary new fitness concept in Dallas, called GRIT.

As our panel started, I was so thrilled that we chose to speak without a moderator. We were able to connect with one another, as well as the audience with a deeper understanding. Throughout the panel, Bina, Brittany and I talked about the biggest hardships, as well as the most amazing accomplishments that women experience in the workplace.

After our panel had ended, guests were all greeted with a Make Your Life Sweeter® HotPoppin® Gourmet Popcorn Bar and a Sugaire® Organic Cotton Candy Infusion Bar! I had such a memorable time at this years DFW Startup Week, and I cannot wait for what’s in store for next year!

Make Your Life Sweeter,

- Yasmeen

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