TIGI - Copyright Tour

These past few months, The Make Your Life Sweeter® team and I have been so remarkably grateful to travel around the country with such an amazing team of people over at the TIGI® Brand.

This past November, we ended the TIGI® Copyright tour in beautiful Miami! My team and I arrived the day of the event to set up for the nights festivities.

As salon owners from across the city started to make their way into the Four Seasons, they were blown away by Make Your Life Sweeter’s Sugaire® Organic Cotton Candy Infusion Bar! Everyone loved the fact that they had the choice to choose their flavor, color and preference of sparkling beverage. The Sweet infusion was perfect for the TIGI® Copyright platform , being as their line was based on an entirely customized experience for each and every client.

When we finished our service, we had the chance to sit in and listen to the TIGI® Copyright Seminar, and it was amazing. Anthony Mascolo was in attendance, I even had the opportunity to watch the man himself cut hair. It was remarkable to see what he could do with a pair of scissors.

As the night went on and the TIGI® Teaching Seminar ended, I was taken aback by the fact that this would be the last stop on the TIGI® Copyright tour. I was so thankful for the tremendous opportunity that TIGI® had given the Make Your Life Sweeter® team these past few months and am so delighted to see what the future holds. Can’t wait until next year!

Make Your Life Sweeter,

- Yasmeen

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