PWC - Grand Opening

PriceWaterhouseCoopers is a professional services network with facilities all around the globe. They are the second largest professional services firm in the world and house over 250,000 employees. This past November, we were asked by the events team at PWC to incorporate Make Your Life Sweeter® products on every floor for the Grand Opening of their new high-rise in Dallas!

Being one of the biggest and most elaborate events we had ever done, I so graciously accepted the proposal and we started planning for the big day. As November came, the team at PWC and I had finally pieced together every detail for the amazing event, and I was ecstatic for the Grand Opening.

Make Your Life Sweeter® was incorporated into every floor of the new building for the opening. We had a Sugaire® Organic Cotton Candy Hot Tea bar on the 15th floor, a HotPoppin® Gourmet Popcorn Bar on the 17th, 400 Assorted Sugaire® Organic Cotton Candy Pints on the 19th, and a ModSweets Artisanal Chocolate tasting and Sugaire® Organic Cotton Candy Infusion bar on the 20th.

With a full itinerary, my team and I arrived on Sunday afternoon to begin setting up for Mondays event. As the day of the event came around, we were ready for anything.

When we entered the newly renovated high-rise building in the heart of Dallas, I was astounded at how beautiful everything was. Every part of the new building was customized to fit into PWC standards. There were creative working areas, flamboyant conference rooms and spacious kitchen areas. Everything a person could ever need to have a successful work day.

As fellow PWC employees started to make their way into the building, they were taken aback by all of the sweet treats that were provided by the Make Your Life Sweeter® team. People were going floor to floor just to grab everything that we offered!

As the workday came to an end, all PWC employees made their way back to their desks to get some work done before the end of the day. As they started to clear out, my team and I started packing up and heading downstairs for the next installment of our event.

We met the PWC Events team downstairs in the main lobby to begin setup of the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. As the corporate day ended, fellow PWC employees made their way to the lobby to finalize the Grand Opening of their newest building! The Make Your Life Sweeter® team was making everyones night by providing a La Mod™ Macaron Tower with a Sugaire® Organic Cotton Candy Infusion Bar. Everyone loved the sweet treats and I am so thankful that we had the opportunity to Make Life a Little Sweeter for the amazing team over at PWC!

Make Your Life Sweeter,

- Yasmeen

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