D MAGAZINE - Living a Beautiful Life

100 Ideas for Living a Beautiful Life in Dallas

Our first event of 2018 was soooo SWEET!

We made it on the D Home “100 Ideas for Living a Beautiful Life in Dallas.” YAY!!!

This event showcased some of the best vendors around Dallas for living a beautiful, luxurious life. We had a very special activation for this event. Instead of using our popcorn bins and a regular table, we worked with our venue and space and had HotPoppin® and Sugaire® INSIDE SINKS!!! We have never done an activation like this and it was a total HIT!! Seeing everyone’s expressions as they walked in to see popcorn and cotton candy inside sinks was so memorable.

The venue for this event was none other than Expressions Home Gallery in the Dallas Design District. It almost felt like Expressions was made for this D Home event. Every aspect of this venue was so aesthetically pleasing. The very first thing people saw was a beautiful bathtub filled with a gorgeous flower arrangement from The Southern Table. I could feel the excitement of people as they walked in to see the home gallery wonderland.

Bass was rattling chandeliers, The Bowen House Dallas bartenders were serving up some amazing cocktails and Oakclifff’s Garnish Kitchen was Flambé-ing away.

While mingling, guests had several different activations to see. Oil and Cotton was teaching calligraphy with leaves and Maxine Owens from The Southern Table was demonstrating DIY flower arrangements.

D Home and D magazine are very near and dear to my heart. I have been working with them since I started Make Your Life Sweeter and I am so glad I still get the opportunity to work with them. This event was SO SWEET! Everything came together perfectly and my team had a blast meeting new vendors, clients and new friends.

Until next time, D Live!

Make Your Life Sweeter,

- Yasmeen

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